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Big Brother 20 spoilers: Did Kaycee or Scottie head to the jury house this week?

What a week it’s been on Big Brother 20! It all started with an endurance competition that should have taken hours but Faysal had no problem slipping and sliding his way to an HoH win in no time.  It’s always a great time when Zingbot shows up and that went down on Saturday.

Will this be the week that Level 6 (now 4) goes down? The answer is probably not.

Faysal won the HoH and tried to make a huge move but in reality, he only helped the Level 6 alliance dig their claws into the final four even deeper.

Not trusting Scottie’s word, Faysal put him on the block alongside Brett rather than attacking the real threats in the house, Tyler and Angela. That is likely going to come back to bite him because putting up Scottie gave the Level 6 alliance someone to put in the jury house without any hesitation.

The Power of Veto competition was a fun one. This is the week that the BB20 houseguests all hid a picture of themselves anywhere in the house. The trick is to make sure that their picture is the last one found.

Brett had the best strategy and even after the hunt started, Brett continued burying his picture while pretending to look for others. Naturally, he won and quickly took himself off the block.

Things got really interesting when Sam tried to pitch putting Haleigh up for eviction to Faysal, who finally just got to kiss her. Thankfully, he didn’t listen but that still won’t protect his side from sending another person to the jury house.

Faysal put up Kaycee in Brett’s place. He even said he wanted Scottie to go, citing the BB20 virgin’s admission that he has feelings for Haleigh. Is Faysal playing the game or looking for love?

In any case, the final two Big Brother 20 houseguests up for eviction this week are Scottie and Kaycee. Both potential evictees gave their speeches, with Scottie hoping for a miracle before the voting began.

Voting to evict Scottie are Angela, JC, Tyler, Scottie, Sam, and Brett in a unanimous vote making him the third houseguest from Big Brother 20 to join the jury.

Big Brother 20 airs on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8/7c and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS. 
