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Celina Powell and Lil Meech Twitter video sparks backlash online

Celina Powell, an internet personality who gained notoriety for numerous controversies involving Hip-Hop artists, recently received another bout of backlash. She appeared to be attacking R&B singer Summer Walker and BMF star Lil Meech.

After Lil Meech and Summer Walker posted a series of Instagram stories with each other, Celina took to Twitter to share an OnlyFans video. In a preview of the video, she was seen engaging in an NSFW act with a man who appeared to be Lil Meech. In the caption, Celina even mentioned “BMF.” She later deleted the tweet.

Celina Powell (left) in a golden BMF chain and Summer Walker (right) in the original silver BMF chain. (Image via Instagram/@celinaapowellxo, @lilmeechbmf)

Before Celina shared the link to the explicit video, Summer Walker posted a photo of herself wearing a silver BMF chain on her Instagram story on May 1. While many people started speculating that Summer and Lil Meech were dating, Celina Powell shared a photo of her wearing a golden BMF chain on her Instagram stories. She also added Summer’s 2019 hit track I’ll Kill You in the background.

The Shade Room posted about the drama on their Instagram page, and users expressed their reactions. One user, @deneese2005, wrote that Celina is known for exposing her s**ual partners.

Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)

Celina Powell receives criticism after targeting Lil Meech

Social media users and fans of Summer Walker strongly criticized Celina Powell for causing this drama. Though there has been no confirmation that Summer and Lil Meech are dating, fans assumed they were since they appeared comfortable and goofy with each other on their Instagram stories.

However, they condemned Celina's behavior and pettiness for posting about Lil Meech only after he posted Summer. A few people also wondered why Lil Meech involved himself with Celina.

Many seemed disgusted that Celina kept indulging in promiscuous acts and even proudly posted about her encounters. Some commented that maybe she wanted to promote her OnlyFans account.

Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)
Netizens react to Celina and Lil Meech drama. (Image via Instagram/The Shade Room)

A few people pointed out how the BMF chain that Celina Powell was wearing was different from the real one that Summer Walker sported. They highlighted that the ‘M’ in the original silver chain is bigger than the other two alphabets. Whereas in Celina’s chain, all the letters appear to be of the same size. The fonts of the two alphabets in these two chains were also different.

It’s unclear whether Lil Meech and Summer Walker are dating, as the pair did not mention anything. They also did not comment on the Celina Powell drama and seemed to be enjoying their time with each other as they posted playful selfies on their Instagram stories.

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