Former Las Vegas Raiders wide receiver Henry Ruggs was involved in a fatal car accident last year that killed a 23-year-old woman and her dog. This led to him being released from his team and being away from NFL since then. However, a video of him training has surfaced now and led to speculation about his return.
Ruggs, who was driving under the influence at the time of the accident, was arrested and then released on bail as he awaits trial.
So, over the weekend, when a video appeared on Twitter of the former Alabama standout training, with the caption that he was "back on the field," it was a shock to everyone.

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70% Win
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"Henry Ruggs Is Back On The Field. Working Out"On Monday, Henry Ruggs' attorneys released a statement saying that the video was filmed before the car accident took place in November 2021. At the time, the video was created by Cold Turkey Productions, a company that creates social media content.
His attorneys say that the video not only harms their client but everyone involved in the tragic case as well.
“It is unfortunate and mean-spirited that this type of speculative reporting occurs. It does real harm to all people impacted by the case.”- Ruggs' legal team at Chesnoff & SchonfeldThe 23-year-old wide receiver is currently awaiting his preliminary trial that has been delayed and is now expected to take place in early October.
What is Henry Ruggs charged with?
On November 2, 2021, Henry Ruggs was driving his Chevy Corvette, with his girlfriend in the passenger seat, around 3:00 am in Las Vegas. The couple was seen drinking at a local TopGolf that evening.
The former wide receiver then got behind the wheel of his car and sped down the road at speeds of over 150mph.
He rear ended a Toyota RAV4 driven by Tina Tintor. Upon impact, her car burst into flames and tragically she and her dog died.
He and his passenger were taken to a local hospital but were later released. He refused to take a field sobriety test but, after a hospital blood draw taken hours after the crash, it was revealed that he had a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit at 0.16. He was released on $150,000 bail.
Ruggs was then arrested and charged with one count of felony DUI resulting in death, one count of DUI resulting in substantial bodily harm, and two counts of reckless driving resulting in death or substantial bodily harm. He could face over 20 years in prison.
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