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Macklemore Apologizes for Robbing Kendrick Lamar at the Grammys

iHeartRadio Hosts Official SXSW Showcase Featuring Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Tegan & Sara, Atlas Genius And More

You know, even though the overall 2014 Grammy Awards was a very entertaining show, that does not mean it was without its mistakes. One such mistake was Macklemore winning Best Rap Album for The Heist. Yes, it is a good album, and can be fun at times. But to try to imply that album was better rap than what Kendrick Lamar put out in 2014 is a huge insult to all of rap. Well, to his credit, even Macklemore seems to know this, as he sent a text to Kendrick apologizing. No, seriously. Macklemore apologizes for robbing Kendrick to Kendrick himself. That has to make you at least respect him a little more.

So last night, after it all went down, Macklemore sent a direct text to Kendrick Lamar apologizing for “robbing” him of that award. Macklemore may be fun and safe pop rap, but it is not rap at is core, and even the white rapper himself seems to know that. Kendrick Lamar owned 2013 with his Good Kid, M.A.A.D album. Macklemore just wanted Lamar to know he felt the same way that mostly all rap fans felt when they heard that. He also told Lamar he intended to say that on stage but they started the music to play him off and he just froze.

Okay, even I can admit, Macklemore admitting he didn’t deserve that award makes me like him a whole lot more.

(Photo by Roger Kisby/Getty Images for iHeartradio)
