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Morgan Nick Missing Update, Arkansas abducted child still missing for three decades

Hulu has announced a brand-new true crime series called “Still Missing Morgan” about the 1995 kidnapping of then 6-year-old Morgan Nick from a ballpark in Alma, Arkansas.

“Still Missing Morgan” is being produced by acclaimed director Ridley Scott and his company Scott Free Productions.

Nick’s mother Colleen brought her to a Little League game and let her go play with friends. When the friends returned without her, they said Morgan was seen talking to a man.

She hasn’t been seen since.

A 2021 documentary spotlighted eyewitness statements to the Alma Police Department that claimed Nick’s abductor drove a red truck with a white camper.

That same year, FBI investigators said they were trying to learn more about Billy Jack Lincks, a Crawford County man with a criminal history of sexual abuse.

In 2022, a report from KARK 4 News reporter Mitch McCoy revealed that the FBI investigated the red truck that was registered to Lincks.

After obtaining a warrant, the Arkansas State Police searched the truck and found hair fibers on the seat and floorboard, duct tape, a tarp, rope, machete and blood on one of the seats.

However, the DNA evidence was not located at the Arkansas State Crime Lab and officials with the Alma PD also confirmed that the blood sample is not at their department.

Records show in 1992, Lincks was placed on a suspended sentence for sexual abuse of a young girl. Lincks died in 2000.

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